Brandon Jackson posted in the group Iraq dinar Vietnamese Dong and more
Vietnam off the currency manipulator list by the way the reason why the currency has remained so low is -Because the U.S. is a founding member of the WTO and was a member of the GATT long before the WTO came into being, its legal system and trade regime already had been adjusted to meet the BTA commitments at the time of entry into force. Thus, the principal change made by the U.S. was to grant Vietnam Normal Trade Relations (NTR) or Most Favored Nation (MFN) access to the U.S. market immediately upon entry into force of the Agreement—in other words, to treat Vietnam no less favorably than it treats any of its other trading partners. With the granting of MFN status, U.S. tariffs on imports from Vietnam fell dramatically and immediately, on average from around 40 percent to around 3-4 percent,
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Iraq dinar Vietnamese Dong and more
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For Vietnam, although the scope of commitments made in the BTA is extensive, with a number of important changes required upon entry into force of the Agreement, consideration is given to Vietnam’s status as a developing country by allowing for a number of other commitments to be phased in over time.