• Profile picture of Brandon Jackson

    Brandon Jackson posted in the group Iraq dinar Vietnamese Dong and more

    4 years, 3 months ago

    (Baghdad: Al Furat News) Ammar Tohme, head of the National Approach bloc affiliated with the Iraqi coalition, called for 9-step financial reform measures.

    In a statement received by Al Furat News, Tohme said: “We reiterate our call to pursue financial reform measures without relaxing the choice of internal and external borrowing and its severe consequences on the general economic situation, and we refer to a set of practical steps in this matter:

    1. Reviewing Iraq’s commitment to the decision to reduce its oil exports and exert maximum diplomatic efforts from all authorities to re-export to previous levels, which will save more than a trillion and four hundred billion dinars per month.

    2. The seriousness in collecting the revenues of the border crossings, including the Kurdistan region, as efforts to combat corruption and waste in this area are still weak, especially with the incomplete electronic procedures in the administration and control of the activities of the ports.

    3. Reducing the salaries of senior officials and those with special degrees by 60% and transferring them to cover the social welfare network.

    4. Reviewing the oil licensing rounds to reduce their exorbitant costs and reformulating them according to a fair formula for Iraq.

    5. Reconsidering all previous mobile phone contracts that granted unjust privileges and profits to these companies, with debts and fines being paid.

    6. The declared number of those included in salaries with the maintenance account for each one of them is a number of their family members, it is assumed that the poverty rate does not remain at this great level, and this indicates the existence of an obscene discrepancy in salaries and the presence of a large number of aliens, and addressing this imbalance will save billions of dollars annually to Iraq.

    7. The endeavor of the Iraqi authorities to postpone the payment of compensation to Kuwait if it was unable to convince the neighboring state to extinguish it.

    8. Many of the unnecessary expenditures, and some of them go to waste, are included in general and vague chapters and addresses, which require scrutiny and detailed research in these addresses and reduce the terms of their spending to the point of being limited to the necessary ones and will save large money from this procedure, and previous budgets accounts and actual spending can be used Where to find out the necessary spending.

    9. Encouraging voluntary savings by issuing national bonds to the public with multiple values ​​by increasing the interest rate and granting additional incentive concessions. It will spare us the effects of external borrowing and its harsh conditions and grant benefits to Iraqi citizens instead of going to foreigners. It also avoids us borrowing internally that is at the expense of the necessary cash cover for the currency.

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