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A deputy explains the implications of the delay in approving the 2020 budget on salaries and appointments
Baghdad today – follow up
A member of the Parliamentary Finance Committee, Sadiq Mdloul, said today, Friday, that the approval of the state’s general budget for the last three months of the fiscal year 2020 will achieve many demands, including new salaries and appointments.
“The approval of the 2020 budget as quickly as possible will fulfill many demands, including the salaries of employees, new appointees, free lecturers, covered by Resolution 315, transferred from one ministry to another, first to colleges, and investment projects,” Mudloul said in an interview with the official agency.
He explained that “the government reform paper has a significant impact on the 2021 budget, because it has not been achieved in the 2020 budget, and that the Minister of Finance requested time from the Finance Committee to prepare it,” indicating that “the reform paper needs deliberation, study, planning and consultation, in order to deliver a real paper on which it depends.” All state financial institutions, as well as achieving future goals and drawing a new financial map in the year 2021. ”
Yesterday, Thursday (September 24, 2020), the economic figure, Mazhar Muhammad Salih, said that the 2020 budget law is useless, given that it suffers from a large financial deficit in its folds, while the best solution is to get out of the financial deficit crisis that the country suffers from. He is going to approve the monthly budget .
Saleh, who worked as a financial advisor with more than one prime minister and is suffering from a health condition now, said in an interview with (Baghdad Today), that “the cabinet’s withdrawal of the budget from Parliament is consistent with the previous public finance vision, which confirms the futility of Reliance on an annual budget for the year 2020, because it is paralyzed in its formulations and components .
He added, “The 2020 budget depends on a deficit of more than 60% of its expenditures, and there is no capacity for financing except through borrowing that meets with strong parliamentary opposition, as well as weak lending funding sources, except at high costs that are burdensome for the national economy .”
Saleh continued, “The idea of going to approve the monthly budget is the available solution in the short term instead of relying on a general and formal budget law that cannot be planned .”

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