• Profile picture of Brandon Jackson

    Brandon Jackson posted in the group Iraq dinar Vietnamese Dong and more

    5 years ago

    That’s what I’m talkin about … 😎 👇

    “The Kurdistan Regional Government’s Minister for Baghdad Affairs, Khaled Shawani, confirmed, Tuesday (September 8, 2020) that the federal government and the Kurdistan Regional Government have nothing but an agreement.”👇

    Shawani: Baghdad and Erbil will discuss every small and big thing .. 4 files on the dialogue table

    Baghdad Today – Baghdad

    The Kurdistan Regional Government’s Minister for Baghdad Affairs, Khaled Shawani, confirmed, Tuesday (September 8, 2020) that the federal government and the Kurdistan Regional Government have nothing but an agreement.
    In an interview with Baghdad Today, Shwani said, “There are many unresolved files and issues that need time and long discussions, and therefore the frequent visits, delegations and the formation of committees does not mean at all the failure of negotiations between the two sides.”
    He added that “the issues between the two parties are complex, with regard to oil and gas, the region’s share in the budget, the issue of the region’s office in the hands of companies, the issue of border crossings and how to manage them, and these need details and parts, and this will be discussed through the sub-committees that will discuss each small and large in preparation for an agreement. “A comprehensive and permanent meeting with Baghdad prepares for a new phase.”
    And that “the regional government has full readiness to cooperate and provide all facilities for all the numbers, documents and belongings of all files that Baghdad requires.”

    Samir Hawrami, a spokesman for the Vice President of the Kurdistan Regional Government, Qubad Talabani, revealed, on Tuesday (September 8, 2020), the details of what the Kurdish delegation discussed in its first meeting in the capital, Baghdad.

    Hawrami said in an interview with (Baghdad Today), “The delegation started the meetings, and first met with Federal Minister of Finance Ali Abdul Amir Allawi, and after that the delegation will have meetings with Minister of Oil Ihsan Abdul-Jabbar and Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kazemi.”

    He pointed out that “the indications are positive so far,” indicating that “the delegation of the region has shown the Kurdistan government’s preparations for great cooperation on the issue of oil revenues, the issue of border crossings and other issues.”

    He pointed out that “it has been agreed to form main and subsidiary committees, whose task is to review all files related to oil and gas, border crossings and the budget, and place them on the table of the two governments in Baghdad and Erbil for the sake of a comprehensive agreement in accordance with the constitution.”

    Earlier this morning, Tuesday morning, a Kurdish delegation headed by the Vice President of the Regional Government, Qubad Talabani, arrived in Baghdad to discuss the outstanding issues between Baghdad and the region.

    The (Baghdad Today) correspondent said that a Kurdish delegation headed by the Vice President of the Kurdistan Regional Government, Qubad Talabani, arrived Tuesday morning, the capital, Baghdad, in order to complete the round of talks between Erbil and Baghdad on many files, including the budgets of the region.

    He added that the delegation includes the Minister of Finance in the Kurdistan Regional Government, Awat Sheikh Janab, Minister of Planning Dara Rashid, Chief of the Cabinet of the Regional Government Omid Sabah, in addition to the Minister of the Region Khaled Shawani.


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