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Planning: Refer The 2020 Budget To The Council Of Ministers For Approval
On September 6, 2020
Al-Mustaqila / .. The Ministry of Planning announced that the draft budget law for the year 2020 was referred to the Council of Ministers for approval, and then referred to the House of Representatives for approval, confirming that the budget includes the launch of bonuses and employee promotions.
The semi-official Al-Sabah newspaper quoted the Undersecretary of the Ministry Maher Johan as saying that “the federal financial budget for the current year 2020 that the Ministry of Finance sent to the Cabinet last Wednesday is the same budget that was prepared earlier and contains a financial deficit of 80 trillion dinars, And it relied on a total amount estimated at 146 trillion dinars.
Johan emphasized that “the budget has not undergone any change, and also contained the launch of bonuses and promotions for all employees,” indicating that “the available job grades for retirement assignment have been added to the federal budget for 2021.”
He noted that “the ministries of planning and oil, in addition to the Central Bank, the Customs Authority and the Public Debt Department, are currently reviewing the amounts that could be supplied to the 2021 budget, which now lacks the existence of final figures. “

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